Usmaan Hafiz

Practice Pharmacist , Garstang Medical Practice / Kepple Lane Dispensary
  • United Kingdom

About Usmaan Hafiz

Community and Practice Pharmacist working at Kepple Lane Pharmacy & Garstang Medical Practice. 15 years as a Community Pharmacist Manager for small retail pharmacies, experienced in the challenges faced within the community sector and providing effective pharmacy services. Independent Prescribing Pharmacist working within a Medicines Management Team in a large medical practice within a rural Lancashire village town. Pre-registration Pharmacist tutor for cross sector placements - split placements within community pharmacy and General Practice. I am passionate about pharmacy and my profession, with over 20 years of experience across community pharmacy and primary care sector. Excited about the advances for pharmacists and the challenges we face within the healthcare settings.

Areas of expertise

Cardiovascular Gastrointestinal Healthy Living Immunisation Prescribing Travel Health

Areas of interest

Dermatology Healthy Living Immunisation Travel Health

Which type of pharmacy do you work in?


What industry do you work in?


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