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Are contractors and/or locums keeping to their rate agreements?
"If someone enters into a contract, it is legally binding", David Reissner - chair of the Pharmacy Law & Ethics Association - wrote in a blog for C+D. While examples have been shared of instances where both locums and pharmacy contractors have failed to keep to the agreed hourly rate, contractors have told C+D they are now considering some options following reports of a minority of locums’ “tactics” to obtain higher rates.
What is your experience? Are locums keeping to their rate agreement? And vice versa, are contractors keeping to theirs?
The Big Debate #7: Is getting an independent prescribing qualification worth it?
Welcome to C+D’s seventh Big Debate.
Tonight’s discussion will focus on this question: “Is getting an independent prescribing qualification worth it?”
Changes to the initial education and training standards for pharmacists are making prescribing a fundamental part of pharmacists’ training.
But government and pharmacy bodies across Great Britain have also expressed a clear intention to upskill the existing pharmacist fleet with prescribing competencies.
So, is it worth completing an IP course and getting the qualification? Are there enough chances for community pharmacists to use these skills in their daily practice?
We’ve lined up five speakers who are going to share their views tonight, but you can also let us know your thoughts by commenting and asking questions. The “live” part of the debate will close at 8pm, but feel free to continue to exchange views for as long as you like.
C+D has introduced a streamlined functionality that allows users to mention each other in a comment. Simply use ‘@’ and type in the person’s name.
This debate will start at 7pm.
The Big Debate #5: How can pharmacy supervision be modernised without compromising patient safety?
Good evening everyone, welcome to our fifth Big Debate.
Pharmacy supervision has been at times defined as an emotive topic, and for good reasons. But no matter on which side of the argument pharmacy professionals stand it is agreed by all that patient safety should not be compromised.
A formal Community Pharmacy Supervision Practice Group – which includes members from the Association of Independent Multiple pharmacies (AIMp), the Company Chemists’ Association (CCA), the National Pharmacy Association (NPA), and the Pharmacists’ Defence Union (PDA) – first met on September 28 after sector bodies announced earlier this year that talks on pharmacy supervision had resumed.
Tonight, we’ll be holding a less formal debate – although please note that we expect our participants to abide by the C+D community principles – on the following question: how can pharmacy supervision be modernised without compromising patient safety?
Let us know your thoughts by commenting below. The “live” part of the debate will close at 8pm, but feel free to continue to exchange views for as long as you like.
C+D has introduced a streamlined functionality that allows users to mention each other in a comment. Simply use ‘@’ and type in the person’s name.This debate will start at 7pm.
Does your pharmacy offer the Pharmacy Collect service?
More than £20m was paid to community pharmacy owners in England who submitted their claims for COVID-19 lateral flow test kit transactions in the first five months of the Pharmacy Collect service, C+D can reveal.
Full story here:
Meanwhile, C+D revealed earlier this year that the sector cashed in just over £6m for Community Pharmacist Consultation Service claims.
Do you think the Pharmacy Collect service is working well? Should it be commissioned indefinitely?
What do you think about Boots' decision to cease the provision of pharmacy services in its 22 stores?
Boots will cease the provision of pharmacy services in 22 of its stores, which will remain open as retail premises, a spokesperson for the multiple has confirmed.
What effect do you think this could have on the fight against COVID-19 in the UK?
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has approved the first oral antiviral for the treatment of COVID-19 at home.
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@Beth Kennedy