About Zainab Hussain
Please contact haveyoursay@chemistanddruggist.co.uk if you would like to work with C+D for an article, or if you have any other queries.
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The Big Debate #14: Is community pharmacy a good career choice for women?
This afternoon’s discussion will focus on the question: Is community pharmacy a good career choice for women?
It’s widely discussed that a career in community pharmacy offers some flexibility which makes it more suitable for some women.
Reports also show that there are more women than men in community pharmacy but less women in leadership roles.
Our recent C+D Salary Survey on the gender pay gap revealed that men received on average £4k more than women in 2023.
So, what are your views on this and how can we bring about change? Join the Big Debate to tell us what you think.
We’re expecting lots of you will want to share your views on this important topic. Simply type your comment or question into the ‘leave a reply’ box below and let us know what you think.
C+D has introduced a streamlined functionality that allows users to mention each other in a comment. Simply use ‘@’ and type in the person’s name.
Join your pharmacy peers this afternoon to discuss:
What are the positive and negative aspects of being a pharmacy professional for women?
How can we make the sector a better environment for women leaders?
Who are your female pharmacy role models and how are you inspiring the next generation of women in pharmacy?
This debate will start at 1pm.
The “live” part of the debate will close at 2pm, but feel free to continue to exchange views for as long as you like.
Recent Comments
Thanks for everyone who's got involved so far, including NPA members and LPC reps who've been interviewed for radio and TV broadcasts this week. Feel free to use our campaign assets at npa.co.uk/ask-your-pharmacist-week-2023
Stephen - Head of Communications, National Pharmacy Association
Thank you for your comment, Stephen! #AskYourPharmacistWeek
Such a powerful and thought provoking blog which is relating across health and social care professionals. Anti-blackness is not something that is talked about a lot in EDI, it makes you wonder why. Keep up the great work. You are an inspiration 👏🏾.
Thank you for your comment, Mushtag! There will be more blogs coming from Elsy :)